Yes! The creative juices are flowing. You feel the rush; the euphoria that comes along with new insight! A new thought, a creative, inspired moment – a Eureka! moment – in which you’ve come up with a new idea. A new way to solve an old problem; an old way to solve a new problem. Lo, it matters not! What matters is that you’re going to create something. (Okay, yes, the “Lo,” may have been a little dramatic, but I came riding out of the uterus singing Flight of the Bumblebee, on a bicycle decked out with streamers — my poor mother.)
The creative process takes on generally the same shape regardless of what it is that you’re creating. You identify a need, come up with an idea, and then you implement it… right?
No! This is not right. Unfortunately though, this is what happens far too often in practice. This post is all about process; having the right approach is they key to creating something usable (be it a hammer, a cell phone, or, in our example, a website). A good approach is worth many, many genius programmers.
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